Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The past 2 weeks

It has been a while since I last updated Leo's road to recovery. In short: he is doing very well. However, I want to go to detail a bit more than that. Leo celebrated his 7th birthday on June 2nd, and since he wasn't allowed to move much still, he got doggy ice cream, and a new toy, where he has to figure out how to get out the treats I stuffed in there (hint: you have to squeeze it).
He also had some visitors, my mom and her gentleman friend from Germany came solely to see Leo (and maybe also my graduation), which made him really happy, because Grandma spoiled him a lot with a new really comfy new bed for his crate, more chew toys, cookies, human food and of course tons and tons of cuddles and pets. In case you wonder, Flummi was spoiled a lot, too, but not so much with toys and food, but with the fact that he was taken places, such as Carmel and other beautiful spots, where Leo could not accompany us.
To talk about the recovery: It is incredible to see improvement every single day. Thinking back to when we first got him home, how he wasn't able to pee and could barely move his feet the way he wanted, to see now that he actually lift his leg when he pees and to see that he is able to empty his bladder fully when he wants to.
He now walks on grass and carpet very securely. As predicted by his operating Doctor whose name I cannot remember to spell, he did lost his grace, and walks like a drunk rhinoceros with a depth perception problem, but he can walk!! where he wants, how fast he wants and you better not stop him. The vet had told us at our last appointment 2 weeks ago that we can let him walk on carpet and grass more and more so he doesn't lost his muscles completely in his back legs, and to stand him up whenever we can, which is really hard, as he won't stand still. He even runs now, and we had to dig out his leash, that had caught dust since his accident. The most wonderful part is that he is allowed to get a few cuddles with his brother during the day, when we let him stay on the couch with us, and I really do believe that he enjoys his Brother-cuddles almost more than his human-cuddles. This is curious, as Leo has always loved people more than other dogs, with this only exception, which is thankfully his little brother.
My mother, Shawn and I then decided he needed more toys, so we took some old shirts and braided them together as a tug toy, which Leo has always used as a chew toy. So he is now basically laying in a kingdom of toys, and he seems very busy a lot. We also stopped his pain medication over a week ago, and he doesn't even seem to notice. The only pill he gets regularly now, is his fishoil, which was recommended by the vet and several other people, who give them to their dogs themselves.
Then last week my mother decided to expand his cage a little, because the weather turned hot and I know he likes to stretch out long, when he gets warm.

Leo in his expanded crate and new bed and Flummi, as
always, by his side
Leo has been making so much progress that we started to let him be on the lawn in the sun for a few hours while we were outside, and he has been enjoying it beyond explaining. He has been able to walk around on the grass here and there, and even been not crated at night, which did absolutely nothing, as he stayed in 1 spot the entire night, aside from getting a drink a few feet away.
On Sunday, we all went to go to a very dear friend's wedding, and my friend Sarah, who loves both our dogs dearly, stayed with the dogs. I felt bad about leaving them, not only because Leo is not 100% yet, but also because I have never left them before without Shawn being there. This was the first time we both went away and left our dogs with someone other than one of us. Scary stuff!
They both had a blast with Sarah and her friend Nick who is absolutely in love with both dogs, and they were healthy and very very excited when we came home.

The dogs weren't the only ones happy that we're back...
Today we had another vet appointment with Dr. Malte Schwartz at Sage in Dublin. Everyone was very very pleased to see Leo was doing so well. He walked into the vet with his sling on, but we were soon called out that he really doesn't need it, and he can actually already walk, but we wanted to look like we're playing by the book... Leo hates that sling, and we haven't used it. The doctor told us that some dogs just don't like them, and it is okay, as long as we make sure he didn't jump or run too much, which we did. So he is fine away from the sling.
Moreover, Leo has to be in his crate until Sunday, like we have been doing it, BUT Monday is the day that he gets to go on his first walk since his accident on May 12th. It will only be a 5 minute walk, but it will be a walk. We can walk him 4 times a day for about 5 minutes, which will make Leo very happy. 
After the vet, where he got his nails clipped as well, Leo got a bath and a new haircut at PetSmart. They said he was a little hard to work on, since he couldn't stand up, and therefore has a bit of a crooked haircut, which takes even more of his grace away, but we don't care, we just wanted him clipped and bathed. He looks magnificent, as his scar is now basically invisible.
All in all Leo is very healthy and happy. So are we, because we never thought that Leo will be able to go on normal walks in only 2 short weeks. And another week after that, we can roll the ball slowly for him to run after it.
This is like waking up from a nightmare for us, where we will all get to have our boy back in only a short 7 weeks total. Of course, he is still restricted from (running) stairs and jumping much, but who cares? He's back! 
Thanks to all the donations we got under the title "Let Leo walk again", it has actually happened! Leo walks again. It is pure happiness in the Schmagold-Stevenson household.

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful news! Congratulations! Way to go Leo!
