Monday, June 15, 2015

Leo walks again!

It is Monday. It is the day of Leo's very first walk in over a month. He couldn't believe it, and neither could I. He was allowed 5 minutes of walking and that is what we did. At first, his left foot was dragging a bit, but with just a tad increase of this walking speed he got that out.
His walk is still not very graceful, but knowing this dog, he will probably get back to some sort of graceful gliding over the streets. Unfortunately I left my phone on the charger while we walked, so no pictures here, but I have to say, he did wonderfully (and you're just going to have to believe me, reader!).
Today I used Leo's prong, which sounds harsh on an somewhat invalid dog, but the vet said to avoid letting Leo pull on the leash. He suggested a harness which would relocate the force of his pulling away from his spine more towards his chest, but since Leo walks a perfect heel with that heavy chunk of metal on, the vet said it isn't a problem at all.
We do own a harness, in case you were wondering, and not just any, no. Custom made, by my very own husband, both of our dogs received hand crafted harnesses made from paracord a few months after they came to live with us. They worked well for a long time, but either the harnesses were shrinking slowly over time, or (could it be?) our dogs were growing.
And I think we all know by now, that our dogs aren't obese, but fit with muscle, so their harnesses don't fit them anymore. But now that we have a good reason, Shawn sat down to fix the boys harnessess, actually, as I write this.
I will post pictures as soon as my teachers quit bugging me with such things as homework and class time... What are they thinking? So probably on the weekend we will have a few good shots of the boys in their harnessess and Leo walking down the street.
Now it is only 2 more weeks for Leo until he gets to be outside his crate for a little while and is allowed to play with his little brother again. They sure are trying over and over and even through the crate, but unfortunately we always have to break it up, as much as it pains us.
But, soon they get to be together more than just cuddled up at night. Oh I do have a picture of them cuddled up at night. If I have already posted this, please forgive me, I had class until 9.05pm today.

It is hard to see him, but Flummi uses Leo as his 
pillow. This is their first night back together. For the night 
we put a gate to keep them from wandering

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